Public Joint Stock Company

To set up a Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC), there are certain requirements to be fulfilled. PJSC is basically a company where each partner is only liable only to the extent of their share in the organization.

To form a public joint stock company in UAE, at least five founding members must be UAE nationals who owns between 30-70% of the capital shares.

Additionally, it should have at least ten founding members. (Note: This is not applicable in cases where government entity is involved.) Companies whose shares are held by Public Institutions should form as PJSC. The members of Board of Directors(BoD) of such company should be between three to twelve where the majority must be UAE nationals with UAE national as chairperson.

UAE Federal Commercial Companies Law states that a minimum share capital of AED 10,000,000 of which a minimum of 25% must be settled on subscription. As well as UAE national holds a majority of 51% share while a minimum of 55% of shares must be offered to the general public.

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